Monday, February 22, 2010

Yea for warm weather!

Tre had a soccer game Thursday night and scored the only goal from his team. He was so excited. I watched him steal the ball and dribble it in. He turned around to see me and jumped pumping his fist in the air. The coach gave him a big high five and he was just ecstatic. That definitely made up for the fact that I was freezing my butt off in the wind and 50 degrees.

The weekend was beautiful...70 degrees and sunny. I wish it was like this all the time. MIL came over and watched the kids outside Saturday morning and I was actually able to clean my house. She took Tre back to Kissimmee and he went to the Rodeo with his Uncle Ben. Apparently his favorite part was watching the monkeys ride on the dog's backs. Don't ask me... I've never been to a rodeo. Both my girls napped while I prepped food and we had friends over and cooked out that evening.

Sunday, Tre came home and we had a relaxing day of watching the olympics and playing out in the yard. Tre and I tilled a small plot for our garden we plan to start in March and I cut back a bunch of bushes and all the dead stuff from the freeze. It's supposed to get rainy and cold again by the end of the week. I can't wait till Spring.


  1. Yayy!! well done on the goal Tre and what a cool photo

  2. I love that you are doing this Avery,I wish I had this when you guys were little. I enjoy the memories. This is WONDERFUL!!

  3. He sure did like the pretty girls barrel racing too.

    Uncle Ben

  4. I am sure you figured Victor is Nana Trish!!
