Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wherein, I brag about Tre...

He'll be 6 on the 30th. He's doing great in school and he loves it. He is supposed to be tested for the gifted program at the end of the month. The other day he came home from school with 2 certificates. He received one for memorizing and reciting all 300 sight words. The other was the "Super Sport" award from PE. I asked him what he did to receive it (he's not the sportiest kid in the world LOL) and he said he got it for helping another child up when they fell down during a game at PE. He just finished his soccer season and I was very proud of him. He received a trophy and even scored 2 goals this season. Most importantly, he really enjoyed it and wants to play again. He's such a nice kid, sensitive, and very bright.

On St Patrick's day, I made the usual corned beef and cabbage for dinner and we had some friends over. Earlier that day I went and picked up a used bike that I found on craigslist. Tre's 12 inch bike was entirely too small for him so I figured we would get him a new one for his birthday. I left it in the trunk of the car and figured I would wait for Greg to get home so we could give it to him together. After dinner Tre said he wanted to go outside and ride his bike so Greg and I figured we would give it to him early. We popped the trunk of the car and Tre looked inside. "A new bike!" Then he looked at me with big eyes in all seriousness and said, "The leprechaun brought it!" I couldn't help but laugh. They was no way I was going to play into it and get stuck buying toys from the leprechauns every year on St Patrick's Day, so we told him the truth. He wasn't disappointed though. I got a big hug and a thank you. Now only if I could get him to ride the darn thing, that would be good.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Super Shapes!

I love television. I'm not sure when I like it most. I just turned on UmiZoomi (one of many preschool shows my kids watch on tv) and so far it bought me enough time to inhale my ham & cheese on an everything bagel.

TV is best when the kids are in bed and Greg decides to work late and I can watch whatever the heck I want,without anyone asking me for a drink, or background character info...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wash Me

Yesterday I spent 2 hours cleaning the inside of the truck. First I took out all three carseats and vacuumed. I found 14 of the girls' hair clips. Good thing, cause we were running out at home. I should have counted the juicebox straw wrappers. LOL

Usually cleaning the truck consists of throwing out the trash and MAYBE vacuuming, but it was nice out and the girls were busy blowing bubbles so I decided I would do a deep cleaning and remove the floor mats. The floor mats are those heavy duty industrial rubber ones. I think the back seat one would hold a gallon of water (or in my case squeezed out juice boxes, cereal and who knows what else). I've wiped them with a baby wipe or a spare napkin on occasion but I have never actually removed them and scrubbed them. They were so disgusting. The combination of juice, lemonade, sand and cinnamon toast crunch sugar created a sticky sandpaper like surface. Thankfully dish soap and an SOS pad did the trick. My truck is so clean inside now. I almost took a picture.