Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tre is in love

...apparently. We were in the car last week listening to a pop music station (the kids MUST be listening to music in the car these days... God forbid a commercial comes on the radio...).Anyhow, it's a Justin Beiber song with lyrics about how "your smile is so beautiful and your so amazing just the way you are"...(something like that) and I glance back at Tre who is staring out the window. Tre says, "This song reminds me of Ava" (a little blonde girl in his class last year). I asked him why and he said "everything he says in this song is what I would say to Ava. It's just like how I feel." Egads... the boy is 6! I didn't want to overreact and just concentrated on the road saying "oh, that's very sweet, Tre." That poor kid is going to get his heart broken one day.

edited to add that it's not a Justin Beiber song it's Bruno Mars' Just The Way You Are

What happened to summer?

I can't believe Tre goes back to school next week... and he's going to be in first grade! We bought supplies last week and he is currently sharpening pencils as I type. I'm feeling a bit guilty because my kids haven't done anything academic all summer long. I overheard some people talking about how they had their kids do handwriting or some such worksheet at least once or twice a week. I don't ever remember doing any school work during the summer time and it never even occurred to me to have my kids do school work this summer... until I overheard some other parents. Oh well, it's too late now.

The kids had their last day of swim lessons this morning. I will likely start the girls back up in October if I can afford it. Tre wants to continue karate so he'll do that rather than swimming and thanks to a friend who won an auction for a full semester of dance tuition, Joey will get to do that again in September as well. Let's just hope it doesn't all fall on the same day. Frankie will start at Joey's school in September as well so it will be a busy month for all of us!

I had pictures taken a couple weeks ago at Portrait innovations and they came out great.