Monday, February 22, 2010

Yea for warm weather!

Tre had a soccer game Thursday night and scored the only goal from his team. He was so excited. I watched him steal the ball and dribble it in. He turned around to see me and jumped pumping his fist in the air. The coach gave him a big high five and he was just ecstatic. That definitely made up for the fact that I was freezing my butt off in the wind and 50 degrees.

The weekend was beautiful...70 degrees and sunny. I wish it was like this all the time. MIL came over and watched the kids outside Saturday morning and I was actually able to clean my house. She took Tre back to Kissimmee and he went to the Rodeo with his Uncle Ben. Apparently his favorite part was watching the monkeys ride on the dog's backs. Don't ask me... I've never been to a rodeo. Both my girls napped while I prepped food and we had friends over and cooked out that evening.

Sunday, Tre came home and we had a relaxing day of watching the olympics and playing out in the yard. Tre and I tilled a small plot for our garden we plan to start in March and I cut back a bunch of bushes and all the dead stuff from the freeze. It's supposed to get rainy and cold again by the end of the week. I can't wait till Spring.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Goodbye puke, Hello Valentine candy

I think the stomach virus has finally made its way through all of us.Frankie had what I thought was a fluke puke incident last Friday while eating a piece of string cheese. I assumed she just choked and up everything came. Looking back, she didn't have much of an appetite that day at all though.

SuperBowl Sunday came and I started feeling off around 3. I was then in and out of the bathroom every 5-10 minutes from 4-9:30pm. I assumed it was food poisoning cause the only other time I have suffered like that was from a bout of food poisoning a few years ago. Greg took the kids to a friend's house and came home around 10 when I was finally starting to feel a bit better.

I was so happy to be able to sleep but awoke only a couple hours later when Tre was vomiting. Poor kid would vomit and then roll over and fall asleep again. He started feeling better about 6 hours later. Gregory stayed home, feeling the impending doom that hit him in the late afternoon. Thankfully no one else seemed as bad off as me and even Greg was able to start midnight snacking that evening.

Today is Friday and last night as I put Joey's pjs on she told me her stomach hurt. I knew then that she was getting sick. This morning she was in bed with me at 7 and I rushed her to our bathroom just in time. I must say that she is a much better puker than Tre is. She made it in the bowl every time. Poor girl missed her Valentine Party at school but we drove through the carline to pick up her bag. She's been drinking fluids and asked for some pretzels before falling asleep. I think we are officially puke free now.

Off to finish the mountain of laundry next to me...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My little helper

I was helping my daughter Joey (3yrs) in the bathroom when she told me, "Mama, I accidentally peed on the floor this morning but it's okay cause I wiped it all up for you... see?" as she points to the floor at the base of the toilet. I smiled and thanked her for helping but not without asking her what she wiped it up with.

She points to the handtowel hanging right next to the sink. "That green one right there, " she says with a big grin. She seemed so proud of herself. God only knows how many of us have dried our hands on that towel since then. :shudder: