Thursday, September 23, 2010

Some Labor Day Pics

Greg's mom was taking the kids over Labor Day weekend while Greg and I were going to Indian Rocks Beach with friends. It was a much needed break for me! School started out fine- we were all just tired from waking up so much earlier. But then, Tre got a stomach virus on the 3rd day. Sick kids wear me out! I'm trying to take care of the sick ones (Tre and Frankie were the ones that got it) and keep my house disinfected in the meantime. It's hard enough keeping up with the laundry as it is, nevermind washing extra towels and blankets and sheets every night! Not to mention, cleaning the carpets and couches. Have I mentioned how much I dislike my carpet and how gross it is? :shudder:

Anyhow, Friday couldn't have come sooner and Greg and I took the kids to the beach that evening (so I wouldn't feel guilty that we were spending a whole weekend at the beach without them (they love the beach)! We had a great time. It was so nice to go to the beach in the evening and not worry about sunscreen! The kids had a blast and then we all went home, slept and shipped them off to Granny the next day.

My brother, Tucker, was also in town for the weekend and was able to see the kids briefly before they left. We had a great visit!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Frankie Friday!

So school, karate, and dance have all started. Let the chaos begin....

I haven't blogged in a while and we have been so busy! Lots has happened but whenever I get a chance to sit down and blog I don't know where to begin. I'm thinking of organizing my blog by day/subject. I have some fellow bloggers that do it and it might help me organize my thoughts better. I haven't thought much about it but it's Friday so we'll make it Frankie Friday.

Frankie started school this year. She attends the same school as Joey and is in the 2 year old class. Joey and Tre had the same teacher and she is wonderful! I signed Frankie up to attend 5 days a week but figured I would kind of start her off just a couple days a week and work her up to 5 days. That didn't happen though. She loves it and expects to go every morning, since Joey does, so I let her. I walked her in on the first day and she was fine with me leaving. The next couple days Joey walked her to class, holding her hand. Now, I just drop the girls off in carline and Frankie waves and calls out "Bye Mom!" and then runs down the hallway before Joey can even take her hand LOL. She's always happy to see me and hand me her papers/pictures she made. She likes to go on the swings at the playground and says she likes her firends in her class (although the only name I've heard is Dominick). Apparently she has started asking to use the potty at school ( she occasionally does at home too) so I'm hoping she'll potty train soon!

Oh and that cute pink shirt with the alphabet down the front is screwed up. Target forgot to put the letter "O" in their alphabet. I didn't notice it until she came home that day. Boo Target!