Monday, July 26, 2010

My girly girls

I still shudder a bit when I walk down the "pink aisle" in the toy department. I was never very girly as a kid and pretty much just tried to keep up with my older brothers. Joey and Frankie are way more into girly stuff than I was. I don't discourage it though and I do enjoy clothes shopping for them. They like wearing dresses and twirly skirts especially and they both wear the tutus from Joey's dance recital. Joey had been begging me for over a month to rent this video at the library called "I'm so Pretty" or some equally nauseating title. It showed little girls how to put on makeup and dressup. I finally gave in last week and watched it with her. It wasn't too bad. They just put shimmery eye shadow, blush and lipgloss on and then dressed up and paraded around a bedroom (slumber party style). Of course, this video has spurred their latest obsession with makeup. The girls started rummaging through my bathroom drawers looking for stuff. I gave them an old compact and a shimmer body powder that I never used. Then we went to the dollar store and bought a set of 5 lipglosses. They're enjoying them. Here's Frankie getting into my lipstick. I actually thought she did a pretty good job of applying it. LOL


  1. I was a total girly-girl. Which means if I had a girl she would be a tomboy. :) They are precious.

  2. So cute but so painful too! Nothing to worry about though, between Dad and all the Uncles, Joey and Frankie will be lucky if a boy even makes it past the sidewalk in front of the house! Hey! I recognize that bag in the pic!
